Forbes, the US/global financial media hub, sums up the term this way;
“Just about everybody wants to become financially independent – so why do so few people get there? One of the secrets to attaining financial independence is that it doesn’t usually “just happen”. It starts with a detailed plan, and a willingness to commit to that plan.”
Retire early, step off the treadmill, hand back the season ticket.
Financial Independence doesn't mean that you have to quit your job. It just means that your job needs you more than you need it.
When you think retirement age, you probably think of someone in their late 60s, and there’s a reason for that: it’s the norm. HMRC allows you to draw from a pension at 55, for example, and you can start drawing from all private pensions at that age. Employer schemes are generally past age 60.
While 50-ish is the standard age in which most people start thinking about retirement, people who strive for such independence retire much earlier than this, usually in their 40s, 30s, and sometimes even in their 20s. It’s a balance between the lifestyle you actually want to have, and how long you’re willing to strive to get there.
Early retirement is the literal definition for those seeking financial independence, but there’s a much more robust meaning when you start digging into the principles behind that concept - it’s about flexibility, freedom of choice. For some folk working at their is their choice - its not a 'job', there is no struggle of 'work/life balance'. Independence means you choose how to spend your time, and actually many people continue to work in their businesses or professions for other than financial needs, its what they want to do.
“Financial independence ultimately means that you can shape your life without taking money into consideration,” said Tanja Hester, founder of the website Our Next Life.
“Most of us have to consider our finances in nearly every decision we make, or maybe even make decisions solely based on money. But once we reach financial independence, we get the freedom not to be bossed around by what we earn or what we have saved.”
Compounding is how money makes money, and it’s ultimately how exponential returns are made with your money. If you can start with a lot of capital it all becomes easier, quicker and more predictable in early years. The process, though, starts with WHEN, not HOW MUCH.
I want to make sure that we recognize that the ability to put distance between your income and your spending is often a privilege.
The sooner you start creating your future income, the sooner it will be at a level to provide that independence you need. With Scottish roots, we’re realistic and pragmatic, and that helps you to have realistic expectations of where you will be, when and with how much. We like the arithmetic behind the investments because we like to be able to plan for money in the future, don’t you?
If you have yet to draw up a realistic plan, or if your adviser purports to be a planner but isn’t really, if you’re not getting decent returns on your money, or you have no idea where you’re going to be financially in 5/10/50 years, then call us on 0207 440 6250, or email us at
Financial independence comes from doing not talking, so let us get you started now.